Monday, June 23, 2008

Last moment

Continue from last post..

As soon as we collected the medication pills and bottles, we left the building without delay to our car.

With a huge relief, we walked back towards our car in the parking lot. On the way to the car, we debated whether to inform dad about Mui Leng's check-up result which turned up to be pretty good albeit there was slight problem. The doctor in HUKM really eased our worries of the day. I said with a liltle grin that we should not inform my dad as to purposely let him worry a bit as a teasing.

On the exact moment, while we were walking on the park on our way to the car, my mom's phone ringed and to her suprise and our bewilderment, it was dad. Mom told him a summarized true version of the whole bit of the story in a lightweight tone, instead of my suggested conjured-up, to-make-him-worry story. On my mother's expression, I could tell that my dad was also relieved and quite content for the day.

We all thought so without a tinge of hint of what would befall us after that.

It was quite a hot afternoon then and we were basked in sweltering heat.

In the car, we pondered where to head for lunch and quickly the restaurant selling Hakka mee distantly opposite the Steven's corner came to mind. It had been a lunch place we quite frequent. Conveniently, the restaurant was located the Proton branch where I had earlier placed booking for the blm, we wanted to ask for update on the arrival of my blm. Each time when we were in our small car, she would always anxiuosly ask me when my car would arrive, then I would reply "soon". The car really had taken such a long time to arrive. Understandable. I could not wait too not because of me, I couldn't wait any longer as I was dying to bring my beloved sister here and there, to explore, to our contentment.

When we heard a nice song being played on the radio in the car, she would quickly quizzed what was the song being played. Then we would start our random discussion on what nice songs we had listened and I would say something like downloading them into the MP3 player. She always listened to her MP3 player on her daily LRT commute to work and back home. I was the one who download her favorite songs into her MP3 player so she would not be bored on her way to work.

I recalled that before her trip to Langkawi, she had asked me to save the Marie Digby songs to her MP3 since I had told her earlier that I had downloaded her favorite songs. However, I declined to save the songs for her as that time she asked me, I was too busy working on my asignments from my office work. I told her may be next time as it would take quite a long time for saving into her MP3s. Never have I expected that even up to the point of her passing away, I still have not saved the songs into her MP3s.

We ate our Hakka mee. I ordered "chum" for drink. She ordered "chin chau". She asked what was my drink. It looked interesting to her and she asked whether she could take a sip and I said just go ahead. She took a sip, and we just had a tiny great moment together.

Later we went to the Proton enquiry and also went to have some look on some dance school nearby. Managed to get contact no. printed on their advetised board. We had actually talked about joining dancing lessons together as we always had no time. Once she quits her job as a promoter, and I make myself available, we pledged that we would do something like taking courses respectively. May be she would take sewing lessons or fashion design course, as fashion had always been her passion. I told her I afford to pay for her sewing lesson fees but for the fasion design course, may be I could afford for elementary stage only.

As we were discussing about her health like eating more veges and fruit, and exercising more, she finally told me that she wanted to go jogging with me to get healthy. Boy, I was so overwhelmed when I heard that.

Later, we went back home for rest. Approximately one hour later, the worst took place.

To be continued....

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